Is it possible to print my "Measurement Table" directly from Image Pro v10?
I need to print my measurement table which has 500+ results.
As part of data integrity within my company, I can't use the export to Excel or Text File features.
When I click print only the image prints.
Can I print the data only from Image Pro v10?
See image below showing line measurements and table with results.
As part of data integrity within my company, I can't use the export to Excel or Text File features.
When I click print only the image prints.
Can I print the data only from Image Pro v10?
See image below showing line measurements and table with results.

It's not possible to print data table directly, but it's possible to print data from Output window of Image-Pro.
You can copy data table to Output window using this macro:
Public Sub CopyDataTableToOutputWindow With Measure.Measurements.TableCommands.CopyToClipboard(Nothing) .UseStatistics = False .Run(ThisApplication.ActiveDocument) End With ThisApplication.Output.Show ThisApplication.Output.Clear ThisApplication.Output.PrintMessage(System.Windows.Clipboard.GetText()) End Sub
And then print it using the Print item from the context menu: