Possible Library Conflict -- 2019-10-10-163010
All --
I am working on an app that has been working well.
I am attempting to add
'CONNECT WITH THE CAMERA CAPTURE COMMANDS With Capture.CaptureCommands.Preview(Nothing) 'If the PREVIEW is ON If (.previewon = True) _ Then 'CHANGE THE CAMERA STATUS TRAFFIC SIGNAL pictureBox_LivePreviewTraffic.BackgroundImage = _ Image.FromFile( MacroDir & "\Traffic-Grn.jpg" ) Else 'CHANGE THE CAMERA STATUS TRAFFIC SIGNAL pictureBox_LivePreviewTraffic.BackgroundImage = _ Image.FromFile( MacroDir & "\Traffic-Red.jpg" ) End If End With
to the APP.
I find to support the
that I have to add
Imports System.Drawing
to the .IPP FILE for the PROJECT.
Unfortunately this seems to interfere with the
line that is commented out in the code below.
With Adjust.ImageCommands.Canvas(Nothing) ' .Anchor = Image.CanvasAnchor.TopLeft .Size = New System.Drawing.Size(MyImageWidth,MyImageHeight+(MyImageHeight*.2)) .Background = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(CType(255, Byte),CType(255, Byte),CType(255, Byte)) .AverageBackground = False .Visible = True .Run(doc1, image2) End With
I was able to patch this up with
'ADJUST THE CANVAS SIZE AND LEARN THE IMAGE INFO FOR THE NEW IMAGE Dim image2 With Adjust.ImageCommands.Canvas(Nothing) ' .Anchor = Image.CanvasAnchor.TopLeft .Anchor = 0 .Size = New System.Drawing.Size(MyImageWidth,MyImageHeight+(MyImageHeight*.2)) .Background = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(CType(255, Byte),CType(255, Byte),CType(255, Byte)) .AverageBackground = False .Visible = True .Run(doc1, image2) End With
because of the info within

Everything is working now but I am wondering if there is a better way to address / resolve what seems to be a conflict regarding the IMAGE in
.Anchor = Image.CanvasAnchor.TopLeft
that seems to be broken by
Imports System.Drawing
and the IMAGE in
Image.FromFile( MacroDir & "\Traffic-Grn.jpg" )
that is supported by
Imports System.Drawing
Best Answer
Hi Matt,
This is a namespace conflict, when the same property exists in different namespaces. One of the solutions to fix that is to use full namespace definition, e.g. "System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(...)" instead of adding "Imports System.Drawing".