Home Image-Pro Plus Automation with Macros

Invoking Image-Pro Plus or Analyzer functionality from another application

If you have a macro written for Image-Pro Plus or ANalyzer, you can run the macro from another application by invoking Image-Pro from a command line using the following syntax:

C:\IPWIN70\ipwin32.exe -m MacroName -s C:\IPWIN70\Scripts\ScriptFileName.ipm

This assumes that a script name "ScriptFileName.ipm" in the Image-Pro Scripts folder has a macro named "MacroName" that contains the functionality that you want to invoke. Note that the /s parameter needs to be a full path to the script containing the macro.

The exact details of how to invoke Image-Pro from the other application depends on exactly how you are adding this functionality to the other application. If the other application has a scripting environment that allows you to start other installed programs, then you can "start" Image-Pro with the /m and /s parameters. If Image-Pro is already running, the command parameters will be passed to the running instance.

If the other application does not have a scripting environment, then you'll have to be able to add code to the application that uses a Shell or Windows SDK API to start Image-Pro with the specified parameters.


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