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Extractin Channels from czi image sets


I have the problem that I want to extract a channel from CZI images to run automated analyses.

First steps are simple and should include:

Extraction of one channel, making an 8bit grey scale of if and work on it.

It opens in color composite view. If I subsample it is dependent on the view. When I record macro, I always get the error that methods are not found, thus I can't automate:

In this case: Active RegionInUse not found:

With New MediaCy.Viewers.Set.ImageSetViewOptionsCommand(grrrr)
            .ActiveRegionInUse = MediaCy.IQL.Sets.mcImageSetActivePortionTypes.mcisaptActiveDisplayRegion
        End With
or other method (changing view, directly switch channel and extract grey scale)
Public Function Grr2() As SimpleScript
        Grr2 = New SimpleScript
        Dim var1 = "6_15_L17_2", doc1, window1, image1, doc2

        With Application.DocumentCommands.Activate(Grr2)
            .Run(var1, doc1)
        End With

        With Application.WindowCommands.Define(Grr2)
            .Run(doc1, window1)
        End With

        With New MediaCy.Viewers.Set.ImageSetViewOptionsCommand(Grr2)
            .ColorCompositeView = False
        End With

        With Application.DocumentCommands.Activate(Grr2)
            .Run(doc1, doc1)
        End With

        With New MediaCy.Viewers.Set.ImageSetViewOptionsCommand(Grr2)
            .ViewLocation = New McImageSetLocations
            .ViewLocation.Add(mcImageSetDimensions.mcisdChannel, 1)
        End With

        With Application.RibbonCommands.SelectRibbonTab(Grr2)
            .TabName = "Adjust"
        End With

        With Adjust.ImageCommands.Convert(Grr2)
            .Destination = Image.ConvertTypes.Mono8
            .ConvertOption = Image.ConvertOptions.Custom
            .SourceRange = New RangeD(0R, 4096R)
            .DestinationRange = New RangeD(0R, 255R)
            .Visible = True
            .Run(doc1, image1)
        End With

        With Application.DocumentCommands.Activate(Grr2)
            .Run(image1, doc2)
        End With

    End Function

In this case the method .colorCompositeView is not found if repeating the script. 
In detail: MediaCy.IQL.Application.McCommandExtended.ColorCompositeView not found...

Is there some lib to integrate that those commands work?

Many thx


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    Answer ✓
    Hi Dan,

    It looks like there is a problem with that command in 9.1.4. We are going to release a new Premier version pretty soon, but right now you can use the attached project, which shows how to extract all Z-stacks from image set without using that command:

        Public Sub ExtractZStacksFromActiveImage
            Dim imset As MediaCy.IQL.Sets.McImageSet=ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.Data
            If imset Is Nothing Then Exit Sub'this is not image set
            'get number of channels in stack
            Dim nChannels As Long=imset.GetDimensionLength(mcImageSetDimensions.mcisdChannel,imset.GetCurrentLocation)
            For chInd As Integer=0 To nChannels-1
        End Sub
        Public Sub ExtractZStackFromChannel(imset As MediaCy.IQL.Sets.McImageSet,chInd As Long)
            Dim setLoc As New MediaCy.IQL.Sets.McImageSetLocations
            'select channel to location
            setLoc.Add(mcImageSetDimensions.mcisdChannel, chInd)
            'get number of frames in Z dimension
            Dim nZframes As Long=imset.GetDimensionLength(mcImageSetDimensions.mcisdZ,setLoc)
            'create region to extract
            Dim theRegion As MediaCy.IQL.Sets.McImageSetRegion=ThisApplication.CreateOperator("McImageSetLib.McImageSetRegion")
            Dim theSections As MediaCy.IQL.Sets.McImageSetSections = theRegion.Sections
            'create image of Z frames (invisible)
            Dim outIm As McImage=imset.ExtractImage(theRegion, mcImageCreateFlags.mcicfNotVisible Or mcImageCreateFlags.mcicfNoAddToCollection)
            'show image
        End Sub
    Let me know if it will work for you,




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    Hi Daniel,

    What version of Premier do you have? The current version is 9.1.4, it can be updated automatically at startup.

    Please try the macro below, that works in 9.1.4:

        Public Function ExtractActiveChannel() As SimpleScript
            ExtractActiveChannel = New SimpleScript
            Dim doc1, spcal1, window1, image1, doc2, image2, doc3
            With Application.DocumentCommands.Active(AutoThreshold)
            End With
            With Application.WindowCommands.Define(ExtractActiveChannel)
                .Run(doc1, window1)
            End With
            With New MediaCy.Viewers.Set.ImageSetViewOptionsCommand(ExtractActiveChannel)
                .ColorCompositeView = False
            End With
            With Adjust.ImageSetCommands.ExtractDimension(ExtractActiveChannel)
                .Dimension = MediaCy.IQL.Sets.mcImageSetDimensions.mcisdDefault
                .Run(doc1, image1)
            End With
            With Application.DocumentCommands.Activate(ExtractActiveChannel)
                .Run(image1, doc2)
            End With
            With Adjust.ImageCommands.Convert(ExtractActiveChannel)
                .Destination = Image.ConvertTypes.Mono8
                .ConvertOption = Image.ConvertOptions.Scale
                .Visible = True
                .Run(doc2, image2)
            End With
            With Application.DocumentCommands.Activate(ExtractActiveChannel)
                .Run(image2, doc3)
            End With
        End Function


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    Thanks Yuri,

    According to SW it's version 9.1.5638.4....Premier 3D version.

    Now type identifier invalid in line

    With New MediaCy.Viewers.Set.ImageSetViewOptionsCommand(ExtractActiveChannel)

    Those are imported - something missing?

    Imports MediaCy.Addins.SCalibration.Commands
    Imports MediaCy.Addins.Scripting
    Imports MediaCy.Addins.SCalibration
    Imports MediaCy.Addins.Scripting.Workflow
    Imports MediaCy.Viewers.Image
    Imports MediaCy.Viewers.Set
    Imports MediaCy.IQL.Sets

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    Hi Daniel,

    It could be that the version you have doesn't have definition for ImageSetViewOptionsCommand (there was a bug about it).
    To verify that please try to disable this command (comment it out):

           With New MediaCy.Viewers.Set.ImageSetViewOptionsCommand(ExtractActiveChannel)
                .ColorCompositeView = False
            End With

    Let me know if that's fixed the error.


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    Hi Yuri,

    did not fix it. now

    .Dimension = MediaCy.IQL.Sets.mcImageSetDimensions.mcisdDefault

    in the next with block returns that a valid data type is expected.

    Thus the MediaCy.IQL.Sets.mcImageSetDimensions.mcisdDefault object is not found.

    If I replace with integer 0 then it extracts a set with both channels, 1 to 4 different dimensions of channel 1. 5 upwards always channel 1 (gave up at six)

    However, at least with 0 I can work if I can switch in the set.



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