Mulltiple users
Ref. Image pro premier 9.3 install in a laptop with multiple users
What do you need to do to share or given access to scripts and spatial calibrations to different users that use their personel login on a shared laptop?
PS Right now a new user don't have access to the scripts and spatial calibratioins
C:\Users\<<USER>>\Documents\Image-Pro 10\Configuration Files\SpatialCalibrations.iqc
so, you you want to make them available to other users, you should duplicate them to local user folders. It is also possible to put the calibrations in a shared location (e.g. Public Documents) and then every user can load the file once using "Open Calibrations" button in the Calibrations Options dialog (after that the calibrations will be persisted in the local folders on Image-Pro close). There are also "Import/Export Lenses and Calibrations" buttons in the calibration button dropdown, which could be used for that purpose.
The default scripts folder is also local: C:\Users\<<USER>>\Documents\Image-Pro 10\Scripts , so if you want to share a macro project with other users, put it in a shared location. If you don't want to give edit rights to other users, you can package the project as "As Read Only".