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Server License Install

HI all, 

A while ago we purchased a group license for IPP 10. By now we still  used our two IPP9 licenses, since coding is interpreted differently (error handling) and then also CoVid came into our way. Now going to install an image server and wanted to know, if it is possible to use this hardware to run it as the license server. We bought a DS3617 XS Synology NAS (see here https://www.synology.com/de-de/products/DS3617xs ). This is meant for large data storage, but also somewhat special. Means e.g. it does not have a USB port. We can though run a virtual WS machine on it. I think our version is a USB dongled version, so would it be possible to run it without the dongle on this NAS? 
Many thanks


  • In reviewing the Community Forum we came across your unanswered post and would like to make sure you've received a response from MediaCy since there was not a community response.

    The Image-Pro 10 License Server does not require a license dongle. Although we have never tested Image-Pro on a NAS, If you are able to run a Virtual Machine on this device you may be able to use the Image-Pro License Server. This would depend on connectivity with the VM installation and it's ability to serve the license over a TCP/IP connection. Likewise, you would need an internet connection to download the licenses.

    Please contact Support (Support@mediacy.com) if you require more assistance with this issue.

    Best Regards,
    Scott Reed
  • Hi Scott, 

    That's great! Actually, yes I received the email. 
    The point is we are having a group license dongle. If this is not required it would make our life much easier. 
    Actually we went away from the idea to run it on the NAS but will connect a small PC with it, which will then serve as license server. 

    I am having two issues, one is still Covid related:

    1) I have the dongle for installation in my home in Hungary, while the PC thought to become the license server is in Brno, Czech Republic. Basically I could also install it first on my laptop, if I understand right and let other users (they will be sitting in  US and Czech) use the license over TCP/IP. Not sure about safety compliance, but worth a try and I can start discussing with my IT team. 

    2) This is a bit delicate. We are now running two 9 licenses that are practically permanently in use (we are at the limit of recourses, that's why we bought the bundle). When checking and testing our macro code in version 10, I had to realize that our code was not readable and produced a lot of errors (though running smoothly on v9). The new version seems to interpret the error handling different, which is harsh for a version change. So if I start installing I must go sure that the current v9 licenses stay usable (individual dongles) until we have resolved the issue with the reprogramming - we are talking about dozens of subs with error handlers. Or would you have an idea how to handle that issue quicker? E.g. Is there a library that can be included? 

    Do you also offer a support for installing? 
    Best wishes, 

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