IMAGE-PRO equivaltent to IMAGE-PRO PLUS MSR FILE . . .
All --
I have a customer that is working to upgrade an IMAGE-PRO PLUS MACRO to an IMAGE-PRO APP.
The IPP MACRO uses the MSR FILES to guide the USER through the collection of measurements. The MSR FILE directs IPP through activating the right tool and names the measurement.
If I remember correctly, this functionality was made by saving a the IPP version of a DATA TABLE and then loading it in a TEMPLATE MODE.
Is there a similar tool in IP 10?
-- Matt
MSR file contains manual measurements. In IP 10 you can load manual measurements from IQM file (Data Table, Load button).
In IP 10, you can edit any loaded measurement feature (Line, Point,...) and change start/end locations, preserving old names.
Another option is to record a macro adding manual measurements, and then activate Interactive property and define Prompt, like this:
Public Function NewMacro12() As SimpleScript NewMacro12 = New SimpleScript Dim image1, meas1, doc1 With Application.DocumentCommands.ActiveImage(NewMacro12) .Run(image1) End With With Measure.MeasurementsCommands.Add(NewMacro12) .MeasurementType = McMeasurements.enumMMSTypes.mmtsLine .Prompt="Please draw Line 1" .SnapFeature = False .Interactive = True .Run(image1, meas1) 'set name, if necessary If meas1 IsNot Nothing Then meas1.Name="Line 1" image1.MeasurementsData.BeginUpdateBlock(False)'refresh End If End With End Function