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Hasp Driver not found IPP 7.0

Hello, I have reinstalled a windows 7 machine and I am trying to get past the Cannot find HASP driver error.  I have tried downloading and installing the Sentinel Protection Installer 7.7, The Sentinel LDK Runtime 8.2.  I also tried the cleanup utility and installed the 8.15 Sentinel LDK  runtime.  I took the machine offline and disabled antivirus after finding that I had a piece of software that was inducing the DEBBUGER FOUND error.


  • Hello,

    Image-Pro Plus version 7 includes a HASP driver that is compatible with Windows 7. Please make sure you are logged in as an Administrator during installation and that the HASP dongle is not attached. If you must re-install the driver, please use the version that is linked here: https://supportportal.gemalto.com/csm/?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0018320

    Best Regards,
    Scott Reed
    Media Cybernetics
  • I removed non essential applications from windows and uninstalled/installed the Image Pro Plus 7.0 software with a restart in between.  I made sure that the dongles were not connected during the install and I was on the administrator account.  I ended up also installing the HASP driver from the link and was able to check that the 2 keys were working by opening the http://localhost:1947/_int_/devices.html url.  The Cannot open HASP driver is still persisting.  I read in the manual that there is a HASP diagnostic tool, but I could not find it.
  • "localhost:1947" is not applicable to Image-Pro Plus version 7. This feature was introduced in Image-Pro Premier version 9.0 and was never tested with Image-Pro Plus.

    Please verify that you are using the appropriate license for the appropriate product, in a support operating system. 

    The message that indicates the driver cannot be loaded usually indicates that you are not an Administrator or that it is being used in an unsupported Operating System. Please check Windows Device Manager to make sure the key is properly recognized and load/reload the driver from this location. 

    NOTE: Image-Pro Plus version 7 is a very old product (more than 10 years old). It has not been tested with the most recent (also old) service packs for Windows 7 and it is not compatible with Windows 10. 
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