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I need help please !

In my new job, I have Image-Pro Analyzer 6.3 to use for image analysis the problem is that, as I'm shifting to a new computer, I don't know where I can find calibration in the former computer to configure the Image-Pro Analyzer 6.3 in the new computer that's my first issue.
The second one is that, when I try to run some macros, some warning messages are displayed : 
Error: ActiveX Automation : server could not be found
Instruction to user : " enter your Excel file localisation"
         Active X Automation : object var is nothing 
I don't understand what I can do to use Image-Pro Analyzer 6.3 as it was possible in the former computer, I know that this software is old but it's the one I have now to work. I'll appreciate your kind help.


  • Spatial Calibrations are held in a .cal file and the default location for most files is in the application director (or subfolder) C:\IPWIN6x. 

    The errors you are receiving are likely the result of the inclusion of older Active X code, probably managing the export of data to Excel. You should contact the author to have them update the Macro or debug the current errors.

    Best Regards,

    Scott Reed
    Media Cybernetics
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