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I have an image (stacked version available), and I want to quantify cells and stained members

I have an image (stacked version available), and I want to quantify cells and stained members. I would like to know how many cells there are and how many stained members reside in each cell. Below are attached examples.

Thank you for the help!


  • edited October 2021
    Hi Braydenx,

    We have a specialized app for Parent/Child analysis (app center), but you can also do it step by step in Image-Pro.
    I created 2 options files (attached in a ZIP), which you can use to do the analysis.
    1. Load the attached MergedSample.tif (this is your image)
    2. Load SegmentRed.iqo and click Count (it will segment and separate Red cells). Note, that the cells are not easy to separate automatically, so you may use Manual separation (split tool).
    3. Load Segment_Blue.iqo and click Count (the IQO file sets "Preserve Existing data" flag, so the blue Nuclei will be segmented inside red cells. (Red cell will be a Parent for Blue nucei)
    Then you just group the data in Data Table by Parent and get all stats per cell:

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