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How to adjust app size automatically when it is triggered

Hi Specialist:
                Could you please give some direction on how to adjust app width automatically when it is triggered? Thank you.


  • 2022-02-21-115549

    StanleyH --

    To the best of my knowledge, this is now adjustable by CODE in the APP.

    I have found that carefully controlling the WIDTH and HEIGHT of the APP FORM in the PROJECT WORKBENCH helps.

    I hope this information is helpful and that if this can be controlled from with the APP, that a specialist that knows how to do that will respond.

    -- Matt
  • Hi Stanley,

    The app is shown inside one of the panels and takes the size of the panel. The panel size is persistable, so you can adjust the size once and it will stay the same in new sessions or you can create different layouts and save/load them from the Layouts dropdown (View ribbon tab). 
    You can define the location for your app in the App properties. You can set it to "mcplUndocked" if you want the app to be in own panel.


  • Thanks Matt and Yuri, I will have a further look at it. This part of explanation seems not much online. 
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