Why is the camera setting items different?
Hi Specialist:
I accidentally read a post of Matt (https://forums.mediacy.com/discussion/716/setting-camera-control-parameters-and-line-profile-parameters-via-files-or-code#latest) and found his camera setting items are different to me. Could someone please give some idea what's the reason of difference? Thank you.

I accidentally read a post of Matt (https://forums.mediacy.com/discussion/716/setting-camera-control-parameters-and-line-profile-parameters-via-files-or-code#latest) and found his camera setting items are different to me. Could someone please give some idea what's the reason of difference? Thank you.

The current version of Lumenera camera support hides the hue and saturation sliders when using a monochrome camera. Matt's screen is likely showing an older version which did not hide those controls or he is using a color camera.
Thanks for response, it should be caused by different camera.