Frames per second issue in Image pro 10
Hi Specialists:
I find the display of frames per second (FPS) display is different in Image pro 10 and Infinity Analyze. One shows 15fps but the other only shows 7.53, but they use the same camera with same computer. Could some one please give an answer? Thank you.

I find the display of frames per second (FPS) display is different in Image pro 10 and Infinity Analyze. One shows 15fps but the other only shows 7.53, but they use the same camera with same computer. Could some one please give an answer? Thank you.

Frame rate is affected by exposure time, capture size, and bit depth. To achieve 15fps, the exposure time must be 66msec or less and the bit depth should be set to 24-bit color for color cameras or 8-bit mono for monochrome cameras. Please check the camera settings in Image-Pro to make sure they are set to achieve this rate.
Thanks for your answer, below is my setting. It seems to satisfy the requirement already. Could you please give some opinion? Thank you.
We have confirmed with a 1-1M camera the frame rate you are seeing at an exposure time of 65 msec. However, with the camera here we are seeing the 15fps frame rate at 64 msec. The reason is that the Lumenera cameras use a sensor clocking table which needs to be managed to provide faster frame rates at lower exposure times and slower frame rates for longer exposure times. For this camera, the transition appears to be about 2 msec off, so 64 msec will provide 15 fps, but higher exposure times drop to the lower rate. We will be releasing a new version of support for this and many other Lumenera camera models and it will provide the 15fps rate up to 66msec. Hopefully, this explains the situation clearly and provides a potential path forward for your project.
Thanks for your great answer, 64ms works fine.