Is it possible to get median pixel intensity of each counted object?
I see that mean, max, min, and std are available for a segmented object but I would like to extract the median before probing further into segmentation of each object. My images are large multichannel whole slide images with a range of 50-200 objects per Stitched image. I want to extract the median pixel intensity of each object. I use Image Pro Premier 9.3.
I can provide more background if needed.
I can provide more background if needed.
My answer to this is YES:
- If by SEGMENTED OBJECT you mean an OBJECT created by a THRESHOLD + COUNT then IMAGE-PRO extracts all of the MEASUREMENTS from the OBJECT at the same time INTERNALLY
My objects are Regions. They are blood vessels within muscle tissue. How do I access it to code? I tried to create the measure and it did not work for me. I am interested in the distribution of pixel intensity within my vessel region as I believe it is different between groups (diffuse vs. spotty) and MEDIAN pixel intensity within the region will be more informative than average.
Hi Matt, thank you for providing the document. I do know how do extract measurements in that way from the features. But median intensity for EACH is not an available option? That is the measure I am interested in. Not mean, max, min or std. I guess I am asking for code, but I have never used code with image pro premier so I did not know to ask for it? I wrote a code in matlab to extract median intensity but my lab would prefer I do it in imagepro as that is what they use.
Median intensity is not available as a measurement type.
As Matt is illustrating Image-Pro is extendable through Macros, writing a macro to extract the median intensity per object would be a non-trivial task and you would need someone with coding skills in order to do that.
We have Bitmap view, which shows pixels values of every pixel, which can be exported to Excel. In order to see values if only one object, you may need to apply masks.
Image-Pro has tools to get Median values, this post shows how to do that (D50),
but it will also require some programming skills to get pixel values.
In order to cover this functionality I've created a macro project that calculates Median Intensity per object.
You just load the attached project to Image-Pro and add "Intensity Median" measurement to the list.
After that the measurement will be reported in the table:
Thank you so much. This worked, but is there a reason it would not work on TIFF series? I have a 4 series here that has frame 1 & 3 negative and frame 2 & 4 positive (see attached). . A different subject was used for the single image but it worked.
Thank you so much!
It was an issue with value data range on 16-bit images (treated as signed Int16). I've fixed that. Please use the new version (unzip).