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Are there drivers set up for the new Leica Ki3 cameras?

Has anyone used the Leica KI3 cameras through Image Pro capture interface and are there drivers being developed?


  • Hi - I am not familiar with the KI3. I did find a K3 on their website but we have not tested our Capture Interface with this model. That said, our Leica Capture Interface is generic enough that it may work with this model. If you have access to the camera, I can provide you with a 15-Day trial version of Image-Pro for testing. Feel free to reach out to support@mediacy.com when you're ready to test.

    Best Regards,

    Scott Reed
    Media Cybernetics
  • Thanks!
    We were able to test out the Leica Capture Interface on the KI3 and it doesn't seem to support that camera. If there's a way to get that, please let us know. 
  • I tried the twain interface, but that also wasn't supported. 
  • Hello,

    We have been attempting to support newer Leica camera models without success for several months. There is a hold up waiting for approval from Leica corporate so we may obtain camera loaners for development. As soon as we receive confirmation that the loaners are available for us, we will schedule a project to support them.
  • Hi Trey, if you want to borrow one of ours, we'd be happy to loan it out for this. 
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