Intensity Analysis
I am having extreme difficulty working even the basics of Image Pro 10. I create ROI and use the 'Dark' option in the Count/Size menu, in the Segment sub-menu. Even if the data collector table opens, I cannot get any kind of data into it, regardless what kinds of measurements I have selected under the the Types drop-down menu in the Measurements sub-menu of the overall Count/Size menu. All I want is to have the general intensity information (mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum), general ROI information (perimeter and area) and percent of area within the ROI that is selected via the 'Dark' option. I cannot find a way to get any of these. Additionally, I cannot find any kind of manual. Is there anything anyone can tell me regarding this issue?
We have a Media library with large collection of tutorials :
Please search it to find how to record a macro, count and collect data in Data Collector.
A brief answer is that you can activate macro recording and execute the steps of your workflow, then stop recording.
Note, that the best practice is to use measurement options file in the recorded macro, for example save all the measurement options (Auto-Dark) with the measurements you need to IQO file and load the file before Count when you record the macro. The same is with Data Collector, load the file with all measurements (ADOXSD) and click Collect.
I am afraid this does not answer my question. I have looked at the tutorials and have not found anything that answers my question. All I want is to be able to get my data into the data collection table. A macro is not the best answer for my current analysis. I am not trying to count objects, just get data regarding the intensity of what is in the ROI. I can easily create the ROI and run the analysis I want within the ROI, but I cannot get the program to output the data in any way.
Thank you for your assistance.
If that doesn't work, please post your macro to check.
Can you please post the screenshot of the Image-Pro with your measurements? And post IQO and ADOXSD files with the options you use. Also, what version of Image-Pro 10 do you use (you can see it in the About box)?
Please try to click Count and ensure that you have data in the Measurements table.
If you want to analyze ROI as a whole, then, I assume, you are looking at "Area percentage" of dark objects, right?
In that case you have to use "Percent Area (%)" measurement and look at the "Sum" in the statistical pane (you should not use Grouping or Grouping stats)
You can collect statistics to Data Collector using "Measurement Stats" table:
I've attached ADOXSD file (zipped) with the the measurements on the screenshot.
Let me know if that's what you want to measure.