Different behavior of program code on different Windows 10 worksations
Hi everyone,
multi-channel (czi) images with 3 - 5 channels are used. The app activates a defined channel. Another function can be used to determine whether a measurement is present on the active channel. To do this, a measurement must be drawn in by the user with the measurement tools. This works correctly on some workstations and not at all on others.
Windows 10 Build 19045.3996 and Image Pro 10 Build are used on the workstations.
Program code for activating a specific channel:
Public Sub SetChannel() If ThisApplication.ActiveImage Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Dim iSelectedChannel As Integer = 0 ' set selected channel when imageset iSelectedChannel = InputBox("Set Channel to Activate:", "Set Channel", iSelectedChannel) With MediaCy.Automation.View.ImageSetViewCommands.Options(Nothing) .ViewLocation = New MediaCy.IQL.Sets.McImageSetLocations .ViewLocation.Add(MediaCy.IQL.Sets.mcImageSetDimensions.mcisdChannel, iSelectedChannel) .Run(ThisApplication.ActiveWindow) End With End Sub
Program code for checking whether measurement is available:
Public Sub MeasurementAvailableOnImage() Dim bAvail As Boolean = True Dim img As McImage = Nothing Dim md As Mediacy.Addins.Measurements.McMMData = Nothing Try img = ThisApplication.ActiveImage md = img.MeasurementsData If md.SubFeatures.Count=0 Then bAvail = False md = Nothing Catch ex As System.Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Exit Sub End Try MsgBox "Measurement Available: " & bAvail & vbLf & "Diplayname: " & img.DisplayName End Sub
Why are there different behaviors? Is this perhaps related to the installed .NET frameworks? What else can I try? How can I fix the problem?
Thank you in advance
Best Answer
Hi Friedrich,
Thank you for the image. The image is VLI, but if the computer has enough memory, it is loaded as normal image set.
In IP10, the command that updates the set location is not working for VLI images, so I modified your macro to handle VLI differently:Public Sub SetChannel() Dim iSelectedChannel As Integer = 0 ' set selected channel when imageset iSelectedChannel = InputBox("Set Channel to Activate:", "Set Channel", iSelectedChannel) If ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Dim dataType As mcDocumentType = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.DataType If dataType = mcDocumentType.mcdtVeryLargeSet Then 'VLI Dim view As Mediacy.Viewers.Set.McSetLocationViewBase = ThisApplication.ActiveWindowEx.DocumentView Dim ViewLocation = New MediaCy.IQL.Sets.McImageSetLocations ViewLocation.Add(MediaCy.IQL.Sets.mcImageSetDimensions.mcisdChannel, iSelectedChannel) view.UpdateView(ViewLocation)'VLI Else 'ImageSetView With MediaCy.Automation.View.ImageSetViewCommands.Options(Nothing) .ViewLocation = New MediaCy.IQL.Sets.McImageSetLocations .ViewLocation.Add(MediaCy.IQL.Sets.mcImageSetDimensions.mcisdChannel, iSelectedChannel) .Run(ThisApplication.ActiveWindow) End With End If End Sub
The macro will change the active channel (though it doesn't update the toolbar).
Please test the macro.
Also, as I mentioned earlier, you can increase the limit for VLI (e.g. to 75%),
so these images will be opened as normal image set (not VLI) and your old macro will work properly.
I don't think it's related to Windows or .NET framework.
The issue might be related to the Composite view or active channel. Image-Pro 10 doesn't support measurements on Composite view of image sets, so you must switch the Composite mode of the set viewer off (maybe you already do that). Another issue might be related to updating ThisApplication.ActiveImage after changing the channel programmatically.
Here are 3 macros that print image name using different methods (ActiImage, SelectedData, ImageSet):
You can test all 3 of them to check which one returns the name of the active channel and use in the MeasurementAvailableOnImage macro to set "img".
The error means that one of the properties in that function is Nothing, it has to be debugged, but if you found that SelectedData returns you the right image, you can just use that function as:
Also, I see from the screenshot that your image is VLI (Very Large Image). Is that image you are going to measure?
Note, that VLI images can be opened and a normal image or a VLI depending on the amount of free memory available on the computer.
You can tweak application options to load VLI as normal image:
What does not yet work is the activation of a channel with the following program code:
Public Sub SetChannel() Dim iSelectedChannel As Integer = 0 ' set selected channel when imageset iSelectedChannel = InputBox("Set Channel to Activate:", "Set Channel", iSelectedChannel) With MediaCy.Automation.View.ImageSetViewCommands.Options(Nothing) .ViewLocation = New MediaCy.IQL.Sets.McImageSetLocations .ViewLocation.Add(MediaCy.IQL.Sets.mcImageSetDimensions.mcisdChannel, iSelectedChannel) .Run(ThisApplication.ActiveWindow) End With End Sub
I have to check with that particular set. Can you please send me the test image? Click here to upload files.