All --
I am working with an customer that has IP 10.
They are collecting data from 3 REGIONS of IMAGES that are FRAMES in a MOVIE.
I can set up the DATA COLLECTOR to capture the information they need.
Unfortunately the DATA is organized poorly for their application.
The SCREEN CAPTURE below and attached illustrates the CURRENT vs the DESIRED for a SINGLE IMAGE that illustrates the type of challenge faced here.
Is there a way to configure the DATA COLLECTOR to report the measurements for REGIONS as COLUMNS (DESIRED) rather than ROWS (CURRENT)?
If so, then it will be much easier for this customer can do a COLLECT FROM ALL FRAMES, EXPORT the DATA to EXCEL, and then generate a LINE PLOT for each REGION.
-- Matt

It is not possible to collect measurements data to columns in Data Collector, but it is possible to swap rows and columns in Excel.
As you mentioned, the customer already sends the data to Excel, so he can use the TRANSPOSE function there to put rows to colums:
Thanks for the reminder about the EXCEL TRANSPOSE FEATURE.
The customer is working with MOVIE FILES with hundreds of FRAMES. This is generating hundreds of sets of REGION ROW SETS that need to be TRANSPOSED into REGION COLUMN SETS.
I can resolve this with a little MACRO PROGRAM in IP or EXCEL.
I did see that the DATA COLLECTOR can generate a LINE PLOT by ITEM. That may give them the DATA PRESENTATION they need.