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How to identify the differences between the two NFR Dongle in Automation Script

Dear Sir,

I understand that the NFR Dongle does not have a serial number, but it is known that the unique KeyID can be obtained using the Sentinel service. 
And I found on 'Thisapplication.info' commands are the same result between two NFR dongle.
Could you please advise on how to query the Dongle's KeyID or obtain any other identifiable information in IP10?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,


  • Hi Wesan,

    You can request hostID using next call and it returns the dongle ID.

    TryCast(ThisApplication.Engine, MediaCy.IQL.Engine.IMcLicenseServer3).HostId

  • 2024-10-02-152005

    Wesan --

    In a recent IMAGE-PRO APP, I wanted to report the IMAGE-PRO SERIAL NUMBER into a CELL in an EXCEL REPORT that the APP was generating.

    Here is the CODE that I used.


            MyExcelApp.Cells(MyRow,MyCol+0).value() = _

    Here is another way that you can check whether this works for you.

     Debug.Print (ThisApplication.Info.SerialNumberId.ToString)

    For NFR DONGLES, this reports a


    for ALL DONGLES.

    I hope this information is helpful.

    -- Matt

  • Thanks Nikita & Matt, 

    I'm already using 'ThisApplication.Info.xxx' to get Dongle information.
    But it provides the exact same information to both NFR dongles.
    Currently I known the KeyID differenct of each Dongle from the License Manager. But I don't know if I can get the keyid in the IP script.
    Is it possible to get keyid in Image-Pro Script?

    Best regards,
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