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modifying otolith app


I asked this question in the general forum and wasn't able to get it fixed. I'm hoping you all might be able to help.

We are using the otolith app to record increment measures. We use the .txt file export feature to combine multiple collections into one data file. I was looking at the app to see if the output for the txt file can be modified to change the output from recording annuli index to the annuli label. I'm not sure what coding language to focus on, but I think one issue is the formatting syntax. The function for GetAnnuliLabel() is below the DataAlaskaFish function. Anyways, if anyone has any suggestions for modifying the app, let me know 

Playing with it, I plugged in GetAnnuliLabel() instead of GetAnnuliIndexForCirculi(), and was messing with the formatting. When I run the app with the function changed and the formatting stuck to {0},{1} I get the following error. I expect the txt output to be something like "FW-1,0.091". Thanks for looking at this. 

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