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Why analysis result is different when using different computer?

Hi Yuri,

How are you?

Recently we analyzed some L, a, b value in photos. We found that the L, a, b value is slightly different when using different computer to analyze even the photo and ROI was the same. Is this normal and how to avoid this? because it is important for us that the analysis results need to be repeatable.

I attached the different results shown in different computers as below for your reference.

Thank you very much for your always strong support.


Best Answers

  • Answer ✓
    Hi Louis,

    Can you please also send me the original test images? And ROI file, so I could try to reproduce the issue on my PC?
    And some more questions: what version of Image-Pro do you use? Are the IP versions on different computers the same?

  • Answer ✓
    Hi Yuri,

    I attached original test image and ROI file as attached. also IP version in different computers for your information.

    Thank you very much
  • Answer ✓
    Hi Louis,

    Thank you for the test images and ROIs.
    I investigated the issue and found that if the Color Measurements dialog was never opened in Image-Pro installation, the L*a*b color measurements in the Data Table used D50 illuminant. But as soon as you opened the Color Measurements dialog and Changed the illuminant (just once, e.g. set to D55 and then back to D65), it will get properly updated and recorded to the settings, so all next Imager-Pro runs will use the correct Illuminant.
    We will fix the problem in the next update, but for your version just do the change of the Illuminant once.




  • Hi Louis,

    L*a*b* measurements use the color profile and Illuminant, which is set in the Color Measurements dialog:

    Please be sure you use the same parameters on both computers.

  • Hi Yuri,

    We tried to set the same color profile. but the result looks still different. I attached the results and setting as follows.

    Could you kindly help to check where can be the problem?

    Thank you very much

  • Dear Yuri,

    Thank you very much. It solved my problem!

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