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Lineprofile command issue in IP11.1

Dear Sir,

In version 11.1,i got the wrong regions when adding new lineprofile features with circle and ellipse styles.
The second or more circles will move the center point to point (0,0).
The ellipses set first '.Points.Add()' is new feature's center point and set second '.Points.Add()' is new feature's diameter in add command.
This issue only occurs in version 11.1. IP11.0 and old version are displayed with correct results.



  • Wesan, we can reproduce this problem and will fix it in the next point release.  As a workaround, you can change the lines in your recorded macros that read
                .ProfileType = LineProfile.ProfileTypes.Circle
                .ProfileType = LineProfile.ProfileTypes.Ellipse
    This will result in circular ellipse line profiles labeled "Ellipse 2" and so on instead of "Circle 2".  But the behavior of the actual profile analysis should be unaffected otherwise.
  • Thanks Craig, I can change to ellipse type for measurement.

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