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Line Profile


I'm writing an automation which measures the peak to peak distance in a binary image. I can measure the distances without problem, however I cannot access the data from the Line Profile table for measurements I use the following code

	Dim data1 As McMMData
        With measure.MeasurementsCommands.GetData(Nothing)
            .Run(ThisApplication.ActiveImage, data1)
        End With

        With ThisApplication.Output
            For Each sf As McMMSubFeature In data1.SubFeatures
                Area = sf.Value(eMeasures.RgnArea)
        End With

but when I try the same thing using LineProfileCommands as below there is no GetData option. Is there another command to use instead

	With measure.LineProfileCommands.???

        End With

Any help appreciated




  • Hi David,

    The Line Profile measurements table is not exposed directly, but you can “collect” this table with the Data Collector (select data provider: Line Profile, Edge Measurements). After the data collected in the Data Collector use the macro to retrieve the Edge Measurements table.

        Public Function Get_Line_Profile_Measurements_Table() As SimpleScript
            Get_Line_Profile_Measurements_Table = New SimpleScript
            Dim data
            With Measure.Data.CollectorCommands.GetData(Get_Line_Profile_Measurements_Table)
            End With
            With Automate.ScriptingCommands.CodeCommand(Get_Line_Profile_Measurements_Table)
                If .Run() Then
                    ' User Code Here
                    Dim ds As System.Data.DataSet
                    Dim dt As System.Data.DataTable
                    ds = TryCast(data, System.Data.DataSet)
                    If ds IsNot Nothing AndAlso ds.Tables.Contains("LPMeasurements") Then
                        dt = ds.Tables("LPMeasurements")
                    End If
                End If
            End With
        End Function


  • Hello Nikita

    Still doesn't really help as I'd already tried to get the data from the data collector itself using the macro posted by Yuri (Programmatically extracting data from data collector) I can get yours and Yuri macro to give me the table names but no data and there is definitely data in the data collector and in the Line Profile data table.

    The macro by Yuri does appear to cycle through the rows and columns held in the data collector but the only meaningful output is the column name the only other output is NaN or 1. So unfortunately I'm still confused.



  • Hi David,

    I don't know why Data Collector access didn't work for you. 

    I have created a test app that does exactly that.

    Please test it (without any modifications).

    1 .Run SendDataToDC macro first and 
    2. then PrintDataCollector.

    You should get the output like this:

    Table - Measurements
    Collect# Feature Name Region:Area Region:Diameter, Mean
    1 P1R1 130 11.897843976916
    1 P1R2 127 11.7966645231995
    1 P1R3 105 10.6064935380056
    1 P1R4 470 23.4744427076219
    1 P1R5 27 6.15377918245377

    Let me know if you have problems,


  • The macro that prints DataCollector is:

    Public Function PrintDataCollector() As SimpleScript
            PrintDataCollector = New SimpleScript
            Dim dataSet
            With Measure.Data.CollectorCommands.GetData(PrintDataCollector)
            End With
            With Automate.ScriptingCommands.CodeCommand(PrintDataCollector)
                If .Run() Then
                    ' User Code Here'
                    For Each table As System.Data.DataTable In dataSet.tables
                        ThisApplication.Output.PrintMessage( String.Format("Table - {0}",table.TableName))
                        Dim s As String=""
                        For Each col As System.Data.DataColumn In table.Columns
                            If s.Length>0 Then s+=vbTab
                        'print column headers
                        ThisApplication.Output.PrintMessage( s,True)
                        For Each row As System.Data.DataRow In table.Rows
                            For Each c As System.Data.DataColumn In table.Columns
                                If s.Length>0 Then s+=vbTab
                                'get Value
                            'print row of data
                End If
            End With
        End Function

  • David, this macro configures Data Collector to collect Line Profile Peak-Peak measurements.


        Public Function Data_Collector_Line_Provile_Peak_Peak() As SimpleScript
            Data_Collector_Line_Provile_Peak_Peak = New SimpleScript
            With Measure.Data.Collector.MeasurementsCommands.Clear(Data_Collector_Line_Provile_Peak_Peak)
            End With
            With Measure.Data.Collector.MeasurementsCommands.Copy(Data_Collector_Line_Provile_Peak_Peak)
                .ProviderName = "LineProfile"
                .TableName = "LPMeasurements"
                .ColumnName = "Peaks_Peaks"
            End With
        End Function
  • Hello Yuri

    Your testdatacollector script doesn't work at all. It causes an instant crash when I try to open it in the project explorer, I've never got it to the point of running. I've tried downloading it again so presumably the file is corrupt, can you post it again and I'll have another go 


  • David,

    I just downloaded and tested the project. It works correctly on my PC. Just in case I've attached it again.
    What version of Premier do you use? (I tested with 9.1.1)

    Do you have other macro projects open in Premier? If yes, try to close them, restart Premier and load the project (just to exclude possibilities of hidden errors from other projects).

    If nothing works, let me know and we can do a webex.


  • Hello Yuri

    That worked in that it found and printed out all the measurments from the thresholded and counted image. Still not sure how to get it to switch table to show the line profile data but I'll persevere now that you've given me some code to get me started.


  • David,

    Nikita gave the name of the table and measurement that you need, so to get that specific table you can use:

    table = dataSet.tables("LPMeasurements")
    and to get column:
    c = table.Columns("Peaks_Peaks")

  • Thanks Yuri/Nikita

    This seems to work, I just need to refine it a little for my app


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