Split Objects
Hello All
I'm writing a script that requires me to split close dapi labelled nuclei. I want to do this using Boundary Shape with a ridge value of 1000. When I record the macro no mention is made of my Boundary Shape or the 1000 ridge value. I have a network license so its likely that the automation will be used on several different computers all with different initial settings for how counts are made. How do I get these options included in the code. The recorded code is below
Public Function Splitnuclei() Dim doc1 With Application.DocumentCommands.Active(Nothing) .Run(doc1) End With With Measure.Measurements.SplitCommands.All(Nothing) .UseLines = False .SelectedOnly = False .Run(doc1) End With With Measure.Measurements.Gadgets.Options(Nothing) .CheckState = MediaCy.IQL.Application.McCommand.mcCheckState.Checked .Run() End With With Measure.MeasurementsCommands.Options(Nothing) .Segmentation.CleanBorders = MediaCy.IQL.Features.mcRegionBorders.mcrbAllBorders .Run(doc1) End With With Measure.MeasurementsCommands.ExecuteCount(Nothing) .Run(doc1) End With With Measure.Measurements.SplitCommands.All(Nothing) .UseLines = False .SelectedOnly = False .Run(doc1) End With End Function
Best Answer
Hi David,Only parameters that get changed during macro recording are added to the macro.Here is the code that defines the ridge size and auto-separation method:
With Measure.MeasurementsCommands.Options(CountWithSplit) .AutoSeparationUnlimited = False .AutoSeparationMaxSize = 100 .AutoSeparation = True .AutoSeparationMethod = McMMOptions.mcmmSeparationMethod.ConcaveBoundary .Run(doc1) End With
You can also add these parameters after recording using macro designer. I've added a screenshot that shows that.Regards,Yuri0