Is there a way to test if a directory/folder exists?
I have an AutoPro function (below) which saves the current image to a file. The IPBasic "Dir" function can be used to test if a file exists, but is there any way to test for existence of a folder (ImageFileFolder)?
Private Function Save_Image_File(Doc_ID, ScaleNum, ImageFileName)
' save the current scale image to TIF format file with all annotations
Dim ImageFilePath As String
If InStrRev(ImageFileFolder,"\") <> Len(ImageFileFolder) Then ImageFileFolder = ImageFileFolder & "\"
ImageFilePath = ImageFileFolder & ImageFileName & ScaleNum & ".JPG"
ret = IpWsSaveEx(ImageFilePath, "TIF", 6, 8) '8-BPP TIF format using LZW compression
Save_Image_File = ret
End Function
Best Answer
You can use the VB commands. In my example below I use "ChDir" to change to a directory. If that directory does not exist the command will give an error. In my example I use error trapping to let me know that the command errored (meaning the directory does not exist).
Sub Quick_Check()
On Error GoTo NoDir
ChDir "c:\vern"
Exit Sub
NoDir: Debug.Print "Directory does not exist"
End Sub0