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Loading Smart Segementation in macros

Is it possible to load a smart segmentation option before an image is opened? I'm trying to have a macro that sets everything up so the user only has to load an image and analyse it without having to load each setting individually.

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    Hi David,

    The recorded from UI command loads recipe only to existing image, but it's possible to load file directly to "Global Recipe". Here is the macro, which you can use in "Run before" batch processing:

        Public Function LoadRecipeToGlobal() As SimpleScript
            LoadRecipeToGlobal = New SimpleScript
            With Automate.ScriptingCommands.CodeCommand(LoadRecipeToGlobal)
                If .Run() Then
                    ' load recipe to Global
                    Dim globalRecipe As MediaCy.Addins.LearningSegmentation.SegmRecipe=MediaCy.Addins.LearningSegmentation.Globals.m_SegmRecipe
                    Dim FileName As String=ThisApplication.Path(mcPathType.mcptConfigurationFiles) & "Dark.isg"
                End If
            End With
        End Function

    Note, that you have to ally global recipe processing every image (in "Loop on" batch macro).
    The following macro applies global recipe to active image:

        Public Function ApplyGlobalRecipe() As SimpleScript
            ApplyGlobalRecipe = New SimpleScript
            Dim doc1
            With Application.DocumentCommands.Active(ApplyGlobalRecipe)
            End With
            With Measure.SmartSegmentation.RecipeCommands.ApplyGlobal(ApplyGlobalRecipe)
                .FilterInput = True
            End With
        End Function



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