'ThisApplication.Output.Show' is generating 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'
All --
Should the
function be generating an error in PREMIER 9.1.2 if the OUTPUT WINDOW is not visible?
I have the following statement within a macro . . .
'Show the output window
When the macro hits this statement, Premier (9.1.2) generates an error that says
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I have performed the COPY ERROR TO CLIPBOARD function and pasted the text into a TXT file (attached) to show the other details of this error.
If I press the OK button on the ERROR DIALOG BOX, the OUTPUT WINDOW is shown and the program proceeds properly. If the OUTPUT WINDOW is already open, the error does not happen.
This module was created and tested with 9.1.1 and I do not believe this was happening.
** **
-- Matt
Should the
function be generating an error in PREMIER 9.1.2 if the OUTPUT WINDOW is not visible?
I have the following statement within a macro . . .
'Show the output window
When the macro hits this statement, Premier (9.1.2) generates an error that says
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I have performed the COPY ERROR TO CLIPBOARD function and pasted the text into a TXT file (attached) to show the other details of this error.
If I press the OK button on the ERROR DIALOG BOX, the OUTPUT WINDOW is shown and the program proceeds properly. If the OUTPUT WINDOW is already open, the error does not happen.
This module was created and tested with 9.1.1 and I do not believe this was happening.
** **
-- Matt
Best Answer
Hi Matt,
Thank you for reporting this issue - will be fixed in the next patch.
Note: this happens only if Output window was previously undocked (for now, please, redock Output window to the main form).
The only other thing that I think may be relevant is that my computer also has PREMIER 3D installed but the EVALUATION PERIOD has expired and the DONGLE for that software is not plugged in because it has not arrived here yet.
During a demonstration of PREMIER after the 3D EVALUATION PERIOD expired, similar errors were presented randomly during the demonstration.
-- Matt
Thank you for looking into this issue and determining its cause and resolution.
-- Matt