App developed under 9.0, seeing errors in 9.1.2 not present in 9.0!
Developed an application under 9.0 running normally there. Testing in 9.1.2 and seeing OLE errors and object reference errors. Were there changes in 9.1 that will require redevelopment of an App in 9.1.2? I am seeing errors related to Object reference not set to an instance of an object. There must be differences between 9.0 and later versions. Any suggestions as to how to proceed?
As an Example
Is throwing "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error.
There are other differences as well. In v9.0 the use of GetSetting as in where dBF is a floating point array
This works okay by itself:
But this does not in the larger App and gens the Obj error:
'Sub Routines Public Function AdjThresh() As SimpleScript AdjThresh = New SimpleScript Dim doc1 With measure.ThresholdTool.Gadgets.Histogram(AdjThresh) .CheckState = MediaCy.IQL.Application.McCommand.mcCheckState.Checked .Run() End With