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how to print designer view

I am able to print the code but would prefer to only print the designer view.

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    Hi STCB,

    This method is not differing from the taking snapshots of the screen, but it will save all “Designer like” controls into bmp files on the disk c (run GetDesignerImage):

        Public Sub GetDesignerImage
            For Each f As System.Windows.Forms.Form In System.Windows.Forms.Application.OpenForms
        End Sub
        Private Sub GetDesignerControl(c As System.Windows.Forms.Control)
            If c IsNot Nothing AndAlso c.Visible Then
                If c.GetType.ToString = "DevComponents.AdvTree.AdvTree" Then
                    Dim b As New System.Drawing.Bitmap(c.Width, c.Height)
                    c.DrawToBitmap(b, New System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, c.Width, c.Height))
                    b.Save("C:\" & Now.Ticks & ".bmp")
                End If
                For Each c2 As System.Windows.Forms.Control In c.Controls
            End If
        End Sub



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