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Line Profile Peak Integration

For clarification, it seems that the Line Profile tool in Premier does not include a peak integration facility. If correct, what would be the best method within Premier to determine peak integrals?


  • Hi rdbunn,
    I’m sure what you are looking. Could you please give an example or explain what you are trying to do.
  • I want to draw a line profile bisecting a series of bars which represent a given concentration. The gray level represents the concentration level. In as much a series of Gaussian peaks will be displayed. I need to know the area on each peak.
  • Thank you for the example. The Line Profile tool doesn’t report integral values between edges directly, but this could be calculated in the macro (let me know, if you interested in the macro). Note, for your example the Rising/Falling edges will define borders of the strips more accurate.
  • I thought this was the case. The macro route is the only method within Premier. Can you map parts of a line profile as an ROI and then determine the ROI area? I would need to close the loop by at the bottom of the peak.
  • We can convert parts of the Line Profile to the region measurements (with the macro) and “Integrated OD” is the parameter you are looking for. Let me know, if you need my help with the macro.
  • The OD integral will work. To save time, what concepts are used to convert the Line Profile to an ROI in Premier?
  • I think, this will be highly requested tools. I’ll post Line Profile to Measurements functions shortly.
  • Point me to the best method to convert the line profile to an ROI.
  • I afraid, these functions will need the Line Profile engine object. This macro demonstrates how to get access to it:
    Public Function LineProfile_Function() As SimpleScript LineProfile_Function = New SimpleScript Dim doc1 With Application.DocumentCommands.Active(LineProfile_Function) .Run(doc1) End With With Automate.ScriptingCommands.CodeCommand(LineProfile_Function) If .Run() Then Dim lpe As LineProfile.McLineProfileEngine = LineProfile.AddIn.LineProfileEngine(doc1,True) If lpe IsNot Nothing Then MsgBox("Profiles Count = " & lpe.FeaturesCount) End If End If End With End Function
  • Thanks, this gives me a start.
  • edited September 2014
    LineProfileTools.ipx includes several functions to convert Line Profile edges to manual measurements.
  • Hmm, cannot attach the project package to the post.
  • Here is the LineProfileTools.ipx project package.
  • Thank you, Pierre.
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