Extracting details of found blobs
I hope this isn't a duplicate post, my previous post doesn't seem to have saved. If it is a duplicate, please feel free to delete this one.
Below is a function that I wrote in IPP7 that I am trying to translate into IPP9. I have managed to open the file, get the mean intensity and do a bright object find, but I cannot work out how to extract the details of found objects.
Any guidance would be appreciated, I hope the comments in the code make it clear what I am trying to do.
Below is a function that I wrote in IPP7 that I am trying to translate into IPP9. I have managed to open the file, get the mean intensity and do a bright object find, but I cannot work out how to extract the details of found objects.
Any guidance would be appreciated, I hope the comments in the code make it clear what I am trying to do.
Sub Analyse(Filename As String) Dim imgOrig As Integer Dim hst As Integer Dim MeanInt As Double Dim StripeXCent As Double Dim StripeYCent As Double Dim StripeWidth As Double Dim BlobXCent As Double Dim BlobYCent As Double Dim Stats(10) As Single Dim NumSites As Integer Dim Area() As Single Dim CentY() As Single Dim MaxArea As Double Dim BlobNum As Integer Dim i As Integer 'Load image Do imgOrig = IpWsLoad(Filename,"tif") Wait 1 Loop Until imgOrig<>-1 'Get histogram mean hst = IpHstCreate IpHstUpdate IpHstGet(GETSTATS,0,Stats(0)) IpHstDestroy() MeanInt=Stats(0) 'Get stripe pos ResetBlobEngine 'Set blob from hst mean to 65535 ret = IpSegSetRange(0, MeanInt, 65535) IpBlbSetAttr(BLOB_FILLHOLES,1) IpBlbEnableMeas(BLBM_CENTRX, 1) IpBlbEnableMeas(BLBM_CENTRY, 1) IpBlbEnableMeas(BLBMEAS_WIDTH, 1) IpBlbCount() IpBlbUpdate(0) IpBlbMeasure() 'Find largest blob IpBlbGet(GETNUMOBJ, 0, 0, NumSites) If NumSites=0 Then 'No stripe blob found StripeXCent=0 StripeYCent=0 StripeWidth=0 Else ReDim Area(0 To NumSites-1) As Single 'Read the areas into t() IpBlbData(BLBM_AREA, 0, NumSites-1, Area(0)) 'Find the object with the largest area MaxArea=0 BlobNum=0 For i=LBound(Area) To UBound(Area) If Area(i)>MaxArea Then MaxArea=Area(i) BlobNum=i End If Next 'Record X and Y centroid ReDim Area(0) As Single IpBlbData(BLBM_CENTRX, BlobNum, BlobNum, Area(0)) StripeXCent=Area(0) IpBlbData(BLBM_CENTRY, BlobNum, BlobNum, Area(0)) StripeYCent=Area(0) IpBlbData(BLBMEAS_WIDTH, BlobNum, BlobNum, Area(0)) StripeWidth=Area(0) End If IpBlbDelete 'Get dot pos ResetBlobEngine 'Set blob from hst mean *2.5 to 65535 ret = IpSegSetRange(0, MeanInt * 2.5, 65535) IpBlbSetAttr(BLOB_FILLHOLES,1) IpBlbEnableMeas(BLBM_CENTRX, 1) IpBlbEnableMeas(BLBM_CENTRY, 1) IpBlbEnableMeas(BLBM_AREA, 1) IpBlbSetFilterRange(BLBM_AREA, 500.0, 20000.0) IpBlbFilter() IpBlbCount() IpBlbUpdate(0) IpBlbMeasure() 'Find blob nearest Stripe Y Centre IpBlbGet(GETNUMOBJ, 0, 0, NumSites) ReDim Area(0 To NumSites-1) As Single ReDim CentreY(0 To NumSites-1) As Single 'Read the areas into t() IpBlbData(BLBM_AREA, 0, NumSites-1, Area(0)) IpBlbData(BLBM_CENTRY, 0, NumSites-1, CentreY(0)) 'Find the object with the largest area MaxArea=9999 BlobNum=0 For i=LBound(Area) To UBound(Area) If Area(i)>500 And Area(i)<20000 And Abs(CentreY(i)-StripeYCent)<MaxArea Then MaxArea=Abs(CentreY(i)-StripeYCent) BlobNum=i End If Next 'Record X centre ReDim t(0) As Single ret = IpBlbData(BLBM_CENTRX, BlobNum, BlobNum, t(0)) BlobXCent=t(0) ret = IpBlbData(BLBM_CENTRY, BlobNum, BlobNum, t(0)) BlobYCent=t(0) IpBlbDelete WritePrivateProfileString ("DotFind", "StripeXCentre", Format(StripeXCent,"0.000"), "C:\JV\Logs\Last_Dot_Find.ini") WritePrivateProfileString ("DotFind", "StripeYCentre", Format(StripeYCent,"0.000"), "C:\JV\Logs\Last_Dot_Find.ini") WritePrivateProfileString ("DotFind", "StripeWidth", Format(StripeWidth,"0.000"), "C:\JV\Logs\Last_Dot_Find.ini") WritePrivateProfileString ("DotFind", "BlobXCentre", Format(BlobXCent,"0.000"), "C:\JV\Logs\Last_Dot_Find.ini") WritePrivateProfileString ("DotFind", "BlobYCentre", Format(BlobYCent,"0.000"), "C:\JV\Logs\Last_Dot_Find.ini") WritePrivateProfileString ("DotFind", "Filename", Filename, "C:\JV\Logs\Last_Dot_Find.ini") WritePrivateProfileString ("DotFind", "Date", CStr(Now), "C:\JV\Logs\Last_Dot_Find.ini") IpDocCloseEx(imgOrig) End Sub
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