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Image won't save


I'm using a Leica 450C with a laptop video card connection and I'm trying to capture and save .tif images onto a network drive. However, after I name the file and location and hit save, I get the following error message. This setup was previously working, but I was hoping someone had some experience with this and could suggest a solution.


Error in Image-Pro Premier 64-bit
Failed to save 'Acquire 12-09-15 09_54_42'.
The parameter is incorrect.

 Message: The parameter is incorrect.

ParamName: Nothing
Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
InnerException: Nothing
TargetSite: Void Write(System.Object, System.Object, MediaCy.IQL.Application.mcDocumentWritingFlags)
StackTrace:    at MediaCy.Viewers.Image.McImageDocument.Write(Object source, Object destination, mcDocumentWritingFlags flags)

   at MediaCy.Commands.Document.Save.Save_Executed(Object sender, EventArgs e)

   at MediaCy.IQL.Application.McCommand.OnExecuted(ICommandSource commandSource, EventArgs e)

   at MediaCy.IQL.Application.McCommand.Execute(ICommandSource commandSource)

HelpLink: IQL.chm#11000

Source: McStreamTIFLib.McStreamTIF
HResult: -2147024809
Call Stack:

               Void Write(System.Object, System.Object, MediaCy.IQL.Application.mcDocumentWritingFlags):

               Void Save_Executed(System.Object, System.EventArgs):

               Void OnExecuted(DevComponents.DotNetBar.ICommandSource, System.EventArgs):

               Void Execute(DevComponents.DotNetBar.ICommandSource):

Best Answer

  • Answer ✓

    We recently updated our Image Pro Premier to 9.1.4 and it seems to have fixed this issue.
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