Circles app
Wondering if anybody can help me with the circles app. I am using the app to help count blood cells on a blood smear. I always seem to end up with some for which circles overlap too much. If I increase the minimum c-c distance I start losing identification of cells (with circles of roughly equivalent size) in close proximity before I get rid of smaller circles (that are not actual cells anyway) that are identified mostly within larger circles of true cells. I can filter most out be size during the count but would like to know if there is a better way to do it. Thanks.
Yuri, the circles don't need to catch the edges perfectly and actually it is mostly helpful if it doesn't. This is taken from an image of a blood smear of mouse with malaria. I want to count parasites inside the red blood cells only and when I do a second count using smart segmentation and then look at data with parent-child view it nicely does not count the cells where the parasite is stuck on the outside of the cell because it is not fully within the circle. Jeff has worked with me a lot on using two stage segmentation and that works fantastic as long as infection burden is not too high. But as the number of organisms in the blood goes up there are more free-floating parasites in the blood that get stuck on to the cells and error in counting those cells goes up. I also don't care how many parasites are in an individual cell....just whether there are any so if, for example, a red blood cell has three parasites within it and only one is counted because the other two touch the circle of the parent then it is still counted. White blood cells also increase but I can filter those out with counting criteria most of the time. There is also a bluish tinge to the smears with the higher numbers of parasites due to high levels of gamma globulins in blood that pick up the stain. This screws heavily with getting good segmentation as it makes cells that are in close proximity harder to split when counting. I am checking into some specimen preparation alterations that might reduce this because the method that Jeff help me with is superior and easier to alter to adjust for slide variations...but I thought it was worth comparing the two.
We have a specialized Circles app that uses circular Hough transform and more options to detect circles properly. You can download that app from our library:
Here is how the result looks if I resize your image to 25% and use the attached options (same as on the screen).
The circles app is not designed to handle the case as yours, the difference of circle sizes is too big. The app is designed to detect touching circles of similar size.
I would recommend using other tools available in Image-Pro to detect and measure circles: CountSize, Line Profile, maybe Otolith app.