Debugging VB code with Image-Pro Plus
(Originally posted by KevinR on 11/27/2006)
common problem when debugging VB code with IPP is that the path does
not work. Image-Pro uses the ipc32.dll and ipcom32.dll modules for all
interprocess communication, and for a VB .EXE or .DLL to call AutoPro
commands requires that the VB application be using the _same_ ipc32.dll
that Image-Pro is.
The primary way to ensure that is to put the
dll or .exe into the Image-Pro directory. This is fine for delivered
modules, but a pain for debugging, as this requires that either your
project (.VBP) file or the entire development directory also be in the
Image-Pro directory.
The alternate is to put the Image-Pro
directory in the $PATH for the machine, but various developers have run
into trouble with that, too.
Here's a suggested solution that allows debugging of development code from any location on your development machine.
For a VB .exe file that works with Image-Pro:
Private Sub Form_Load()
' Debugging code, comment/remove before releasing...
ChDir "c:\ipwin62"
MsgBox "Changing directory to C:\Ipwin62", vbOKOnly, "Debugging"
End Sub
For Image-Pro plug-ins developed with the SDK:
Private Sub IPluginTask_Invoke()
' Debugging code, comment/remove before releasing...
ChDir "c:\ipwin62"
MsgBox "Changing directory to C:\Ipwin62", vbOKOnly, "Debugging"
' Restore window position and show the form
IpAppWndRestorePos Task1Dlg.hWnd, Task1Dlg.Caption, "WinPos"
' Make the form a child of Image Pro window
IpAppAttach Task1Dlg.hWnd
End Sub
The 'ChDir' location should be set to your IPP
directory. If you are developing plug-ins using the SDK the project
debugging preferences should be set to run IPP first when debugging.
that these lines with a hard-coded path SHOULD BE REMOVED BEFORE
RELEASE of your modules - it's there for debugging, and may interfere
with a delivered module if the user has installed to something other
than the default directory. That's part of the reason for the MsgBox -
if you don't comment out those lines you will get a nag dialog on your
released modules.
Changing the directory to your Image-Pro
folder ensures that the VB project will find the correct ipc32.dll
module. If the ChDir (as here) is set before calling any IPP functions
you should be good for debugging any VB code with Image-Pro.
I hope this is helpful!