How do I merge 3D OBJECTS and then perform a FILTER?
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A customer has a question that I am passing along.
If a sample can be carried into the 3D portion of PREMIER 3D and then an ISO SURFACE can be added, if an object is split by the THRESHOLD, is there a way to "WELD" two objects together so they are counted as one?
I have generated an example image set named
Merged Sequence C.tif
This example image is attached.
Right now, I can find all of the objects and I can FILTER out all but the LARGEST OBJECT. This is shown in the first image below.
I would like to "weld" together the LARGE CENTRAL OBJECT and some of the surrounding smaller objects and then I would like to filter our the remaining SMALLER OBJECTS. This is shown in the second image below. This what done by building a bridge between the two objects in the first frame of the sequence in 2D.
Is there a way to do this using the tools in the 3D section of PREMIER 3D?
-- Matt

All --
A customer has a question that I am passing along.
If a sample can be carried into the 3D portion of PREMIER 3D and then an ISO SURFACE can be added, if an object is split by the THRESHOLD, is there a way to "WELD" two objects together so they are counted as one?
I have generated an example image set named
Merged Sequence C.tif
This example image is attached.
Right now, I can find all of the objects and I can FILTER out all but the LARGEST OBJECT. This is shown in the first image below.
I would like to "weld" together the LARGE CENTRAL OBJECT and some of the surrounding smaller objects and then I would like to filter our the remaining SMALLER OBJECTS. This is shown in the second image below. This what done by building a bridge between the two objects in the first frame of the sequence in 2D.
Is there a way to do this using the tools in the 3D section of PREMIER 3D?
-- Matt

Best Answer
Hi Matt,
You can "weld" selected objects together using the "Link" button on the 3D Measure tab:
Then you can hide/show objects.
All --
Any thoughts on this?
-- Matt
Yuri --
Thank you for the suggestion.
I'll try it out and pass it along to the PREMIER USER ASAP.
Thanks again.
-- Matt