Project Workbench in Premier V9.3 displaying an "new" Error Message . . .
All --
I am working on a PROJECT in PREMIER V9.3.
When I attempt to load the PROJECT, I see an error like

with the cursor on the line that contains the error.
After I press the OK BUTTON, the WORKBENCH moves the cursor to the bottom of the CODE, colors everything RED and shows the following error.

I have seen the first error (or one similar to it) many times during project development but the second error is new (to me) and it is frustrating because the cursor does not stay on the line with the issue.
There are several projects open in the WORKBENCH and this may have something to do with this "new" behavior.
Is there any way to keep ERROR #2 from appearing and making me move back to the line with the issue?
-- Matt
All --
I am working on a PROJECT in PREMIER V9.3.
When I attempt to load the PROJECT, I see an error like

with the cursor on the line that contains the error.
After I press the OK BUTTON, the WORKBENCH moves the cursor to the bottom of the CODE, colors everything RED and shows the following error.

I have seen the first error (or one similar to it) many times during project development but the second error is new (to me) and it is frustrating because the cursor does not stay on the line with the issue.
There are several projects open in the WORKBENCH and this may have something to do with this "new" behavior.
Is there any way to keep ERROR #2 from appearing and making me move back to the line with the issue?
-- Matt
All --
I have found one resolution to my problem.
It is:
** Go into the CODE of each of the PROJECTS (lets call them B, C, and D) that are open in PROJECT WORKBENCH and put the PROJECTS B, C, and D into the EDIT MODE
** Go into the CODE for PROJECT A and attempt a LOAD and ERROR #1 is displayed but not replaced by ERROR #2
Is there a more "elegant" way to resolve this?
-- Matt
We haven't seen that error either. It would help a lot if you could share the project showing that behavior with us.
Pierre --
I think it has more to do with the MULTIPLE PROJECTS (B, C, D) being open rather than the PROJECT with the SYNTAX ERROR (A).
Would you like to do a WEBEX and see it happen?
-- Matt