How to track the shape profile of a changing object ?
I wanted to track the shape of a changing sphere (2D) that is getting distorted over time. As for example, in the following figure, the small sphere is enlarging and at time t=4, it takes the shape of the outer most circle.So I want to get this shape profile at different time frames. Could you please help me in doing this.
Thanks in advance.
I wanted to track the shape of a changing sphere (2D) that is getting distorted over time. As for example, in the following figure, the small sphere is enlarging and at time t=4, it takes the shape of the outer most circle.So I want to get this shape profile at different time frames. Could you please help me in doing this.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answers
Rizwan --
The TECH SUPPORT FOLKS at MEDIA CY and I have tweaked a routine that does what I believe you are looking for.
The BOUNDARY POINTS ROUTINE below was run on the
Rizwan A_Mask_Crop.tif
That image is attached to this comment and generated the results shown in the SCREEN CAPTURE.
The DLLs needed to support the ROUTINE are shown after the SCREEN CAPTURE.
BY THE WAY . . .
I rotated your EXAMPLE IMAGE 90 DEC CW so that T = 1 is the first object to be found by a THRESHOLD / COUNT, T = 2 is the second, and so on. If not, the objects are found in the order of their highest point which I think would be 1, 5, 3, 2, 4.
I hope this information is helpful.
-- Matt
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-Public Sub BoundaryPoints() 'Show the OUTPUT WINDOW 'Clear the OUTPUT WINDOW ThisApplication.Output.Clear '*** Find the calibration units and resolution 'Declare VARIABLES Dim MyTempCalibUnits As String Dim MyTempCalibPixelSize As Single 'If IMAGE is CALIBRATED If (ThisApplication.ActiveImage.SpatialCalibration IsNot Nothing) _ Then 'Learn CALIBRATION INFORMATION MyTempCalibUnits = _ ThisApplication.ActiveImage.SpatialCalibration.UnitAbbrev MyTempCalibPixelSize = _ ThisApplication.ActiveImage.SpatialCalibration.PixelSizeX Else 'Simulate CALIBRATION INFORMATION MyTempCalibUnits = _ "pix" MyTempCalibPixelSize = _ 1 End If 'Connect with the ACTIVE IMAGE Dim im As McImage = _ ThisApplication.ActiveImage 'Connect with the MEASUREMENT DATA in the ACTIVE IMAGE Dim md As McMMData = _ im.MeasurementsData 'Create an ARRAY to hold the BOUNDARY POINTS Dim points() As SINGLEPOINT=Nothing 'Loop through the FEATURES in the ACTIVE IMAGE For Each sf As McMMSubFeature In md.SubFeatures 'Learn and output the NAME for the FEATURE Dim s As String = _ sf.Name 'Send FEATURE NAME to the OUTPUT WINDOW ThisApplication.Output.PrintMessage s 'Output the COLUMN HEADERS s = _ "X" & vbTab & _ "Y" 'Send COLUMN HEADERS to the OUTPUT WINDOW ThisApplication.Output.PrintMessage s 'Fill the ARRAY with the BOUNDARY POINTS sf.GetFeatures.GetFeaturePoints(sf.FeatureIndex,points) 'Loop through the BOUNDARY POINTS For Each p As SINGLEPOINT In points 'Output the CURRENT BOUDARY POINT s = _ Format _ ( _ p.x * _ MyTempCalibPixelSize, _ "0.00" _ ) & _ vbTab & _ Format _ ( _ p.y * _ MyTempCalibPixelSize, _ "0.00" _ ) 'Send BOUNDARY POINTS to the OUTPUT WINDOW ThisApplication.Output.PrintMessage s Next Next End Sub
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Rizwan --
I am glad that you found the BOUNDARY POINTS ROUTINE appropriate to your task.
There are some resources within the PREMIER UNIVERSE to help you learn about PREMIER MACROS.
A great place to start is
Image-Pro Premier User Guide.pdf
The WORKING WITH MACROS section starts of PAGE 9-25.
If you need assistance, ALCES and I provide our services on a consulting basis.
I hope this information is helpful.
-- Matt
Matthew M. Batchelor
President and Applications Engineer
Alces Imaging and Automation, LLC
I assume that all the frames of this time sequence are merged into a sequence (if not, you can create a sequence of all frames using Open as Sequence).
You can use the following steps to track the edge of your bubble:
1. Open line profile window and draw line profile as shown on your picture.
2. Add Edge detector that detects the edge of the bubble (can be Falling edge, or Valley, depending on your image). Adjust Edge detector parameters to detect only 1 edge on any frame.
3. Click the Collect button on the line profile tab, "All Frames" must be on:
4. Then open Data Collector table or Graph and examine your data (distance from the origin to the edge:
Rizwan --
In interpreted your question a bit differently than Yuri did.
I found an image on the INTERNET of a bouncing ball that deforms during its motion.
That image is below.
I then:
** Stripped out the frames of that image
** Stacked them vertically
** Smart thresholded them
** Masked them
** Bright thresholded them
** Measured them
The results are below.
I hope this information is helpful and that it gives you some ideas.
-- Matt
YuriG and Matt thanks.
My problem is as follows:
I have a video of 5 frames where the sphere changes its shape. And I want to get the profile data to be extracted. In other words, I want the coordinate of the ppoints on the circumference of the circles.
Your answers enlightened me, but a further specifics for this problem would assist me more. I really appreciate your assitance. Thanks
Why don't you just measure shape parameters on every frame, such as Aspect ratio, Centroid, Area,...?
Matt, Thanks for your wonderful effort. This is what exactly I was looking for. However, i am quite new with macro. Is there any availabloe resources that explain how to load and run macros and about the .dll? Thank you very much for your support.
Hi Yurig
I wanted the exact profiles, not the shape parameters. Thanks though.
That's wonderful. I really appreciate your effort. Thanks and regards.
Rizwan --
I am glad that we could help you use your PREMIER SOFTWARE to tackle your imaging challenge.
Holler when we can assist further.
-- Matt