Bug on Heterogeneity
Hi Folks,
Version 3.3 seems to have a bug when adding a heterogeneity filter on measured data.
Values become negative (though they can just be between 0 and 1). The filter is applied very easily after the count and works very well in all other previous versions... Please take a look - ... You can also do it manually. Just measure something, then add Het and take a look at the values displayed in Edit Range....
Version 3.3 seems to have a bug when adding a heterogeneity filter on measured data.
Values become negative (though they can just be between 0 and 1). The filter is applied very easily after the count and works very well in all other previous versions... Please take a look - ... You can also do it manually. Just measure something, then add Het and take a look at the values displayed in Edit Range....
Public Function PostFilter() As SimpleScript
PostFilter = New SimpleScript
Dim HetLimitL = 0.015
Dim HetLimitR = 1
With Automate.ScriptingCommands.CodeCommand(PostFilter)
If .Run() Then
With Measure.MeasurementsCommands.Options(PostFilter)
.SelMeasurements = New MeasCollection()
.SelMeasurements.Add( New MeasEntry(eMeasures.RgnHeterogeneity))
.Segmentation.FilterRanges = New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of MeasFilterEntry)
.Segmentation.FilterRanges.Add( New MeasFilterEntry(eMeasures.RgnHeterogeneity,HetLimitL,HetLimitR))
End With
With Measure.MeasurementsCommands.ApplyFilters(PostFilter)
End With
End If
End with
I don't see this problem. If I count Spots.tif (Auto-dark) the Heterogeneity values are in range from 0.17 to 0.41.
Can you post the test image and the IQO file with segmentation parameters?