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Latest build crashes on region measurements

I have a file from a Histech scanner, that has a lot of information. IPP3D 9.2 resolved the image in the wrong color assignment, latest build, file looks great. However, when I try to get region measurements (anything beyond area/perimeter) -- for RGB values, integrated intensity, the program crashes. This is a 500MB color file, that "inflates" to fill memory space as large data object. Running as ROI or Resolution, up to 1:1, still unstable. Computer has enough memory to load completely 1:1 (192GB). Any additional guidance? Thanks in advance... 



  • Hello kfisher00,

    We are not seeing this issue in the latest Image-Pro 10 which appears to handle this file format just fine. However we would need to learn more about how you load these files in Image-Pro Premier 3D and about the analysis workflow that was used in order to diagnose the problem. So I'll ask our tech support department to contact you separately in order to address the issue.

    Best regards,

  • Thanks, just received our order for IPP 10.0.1, build 6912, and I still experience the same crash for a delineated region on this computer -- in trying to get Optical Density for Blue channel, let's say. You were able to draw a polygon/circle ROI and get an output? Thanks so much, Kevin
  • Hi Kevin,

    We cannot reproduce the problem with the ROIs we use. Can you please send some additional info?

    1. What ROI do you use to extract the area? (You can set the ROI to the Features Manager, saved to file and send us the *.roi file). If't it's a full size image or very large ROI with 1:1 resolution, the expanded image is >50GB, and when it's measured, multiple copies of the bitmap, scan-lists, data containers are created, so the total required memory size may exceed the RAM size (even if you have 192GB RAM). You may try to use a smaller ROI (or our "VLI Analizer" app that splits a large ROI into sub-tiles and analyzes them one by one).
    2. What measurement options do you use? (before you execute Count, save measurement options to .IQO file and send it to us).



  • Hi Yuri, thanks for the follow up, I superimposed an arbitrary circular ROI -- end user for this project will be hand mapping each serial slice. Will gather up the output files that you've requested. I concur, and was generally concerned about the memory allocation. Is there additional documentation about the VLI Analizer readily available - this comes with IPP 10 with 3D plugin by default?
  • Hi Kevin,

    VLI Analyzer is an app that is specifically designed to handle memory issues analyzing huge VLI images. It prompts user to draw a region, which is then automatically split into "fields" and processed one by one using Batch functionality. I've attached the app (Zipped) and the documentation file.


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