What is the best way to calculate color difference in RGB, particularly for red?
I have images of a burn taken over two weeks, and I want to calculate the change in color over those 2 weeks. I am particularly interested in redness. I measured Intensity, red using Image Pro Premier, but I am having trouble making the numbers make sense. I subtracted the baseline (pre-burn) from the final and divided that by the final minus the burn, hoping to get a percentage of redness reduction. The numbers don't match what I am seeing in the image. Sometimes it's over 100%. Is there a different equation I should use? Should I use a different measurement type?
Best Answer
Color Correction and L*a*b measurements are available in Image-Pro 10 and above, you may check how to update it to the latest version.
You may also measure redness on white-field images using "Intensity Blue" or "Intensity Green" as me and Matt mentioned. (the lower Blue, the higher redness)
I can see that you have color references at the bottom of your images. You should use Color Correction tool of Image-Pro to match one image to another before doing color measurements. (use all 7 points on the color patch to do color correction).
Then you can use any color measurements (Color category of the measurements):
You can try all of them to see which one gives you the biggest difference.
Note, that if you want to evaluate color difference between Red and White, don't use R-channel (Intensity Red), because for both colors (White and Red) "Intensity Red" will be 255, use other component colors, such as Blue to measure the difference.
And, as I mentioned in the previous post, just check all available color measures in Image-Pro to find the best.
Please check "L*a*b* Color measurements and Color Correction" page in Image-Pro 10 help. It contains the workflow with examples: