Difference between two commands - Error "Object does not expose the required interface"
In a procedure I use the following command to load a roi in the feature manager.
With [Select].FeaturesManagerCommands.Load(Nothing)
.FileName = roiFileName
.Append = False
End With
It happens that after a while the following error "Object does not expose the required interface" may appear. Not always. On some computers often. I tested versions Image Pro 10.0.2 and 10.0.4.
I tried the same command with a direct reference to the automation and recognized that it worked fine.
With MediaCy.Automation.Select.FeaturesManagerCommands.Load(Nothing) .FileName = roiFileName .Append = False .Run() End With
What is the difference between these two commands?
Thanks in advance
This is the same command for both cases. The second case fully defines namespace + command (MediaCy.Automation.Select.FeaturesManagerCommands.Load) in one line. For the first case, namespace defined in 2 sports: Imports MediaCy.Automation - defines part of namespace and [Select].FeaturesManagerCommands.Load - defines second part of namespace + command.
The error message could be related to other projects or modules where 2 commands with the same name defined in the different namespaces. Try to unload other projects or use fully defined namespace.
Could you please package you projects and send it to us to review. You can remove unrelated code from it.