Macro dispalying error on opening IPP7
Every time I start IPP7 I get an Ipclrg.bas(macro) IPBasic[design] window open which states its
Definitions for Run Time Registered Auto Pro Functions of iplarge.dll (c) 1998, Media Cybernetics LP
and a Basic Editor pop up window error message.
"identifier already in use. File: C:\Program Files (x86)\IPWIN70\bas\Ipclrg.bas, line: 10"
I hit OK button and it appears a second time.
I hit OK again and I get a third pop up error message "Unable to load C:\Program Files (x86)\IPWIN70\Ipclrg.bas"
I don't want this Auto-Pro macro/ function to run on start up to so how do I stop it please?
Definitions for Run Time Registered Auto Pro Functions of iplarge.dll (c) 1998, Media Cybernetics LP
and a Basic Editor pop up window error message.
"identifier already in use. File: C:\Program Files (x86)\IPWIN70\bas\Ipclrg.bas, line: 10"
I hit OK button and it appears a second time.
I hit OK again and I get a third pop up error message "Unable to load C:\Program Files (x86)\IPWIN70\Ipclrg.bas"
I don't want this Auto-Pro macro/ function to run on start up to so how do I stop it please?

Best Answers
Hi Francis,
LF_LOPASS and other Large Filter definitions are already included into ipc32.bas (in IPP7). Please check your C:\IPWIN70\BAS folder and remove ipclrg.bas file, if that's present. It could be left from the old version or installed by some old version app.
Yuri0 -
Thanks Yuri ipclrg.bas dated 26/08/1999 was there and I've deleted it AND Image Pro starts fine now, cheers.