How to determine lengths on the Pitch Line measurement?
How can I automate finding the lengths at the point of intersection of the perpendicular line whilst using the pitch tool e.g. values for X and Y?

Premier has Pitch with line measurement that does exactly that, you can find it on Measure tab.
The following macro uses Pitch tool and report segment's length.
Imports MediaCy.Addins.Scripting Imports MediaCy.Addins.Scripting.Workflow Imports MediaCy.Addins.Measurements Public Module Macros Public Function MeasureSegments() As SimpleScript MeasureSegments = New SimpleScript Dim doc1, data With Application.DocumentCommands.Active(MeasureSegments) .Run(doc1) End With With Measure.MeasurementsCommands.DeleteAll(MeasureSegments) .Run(doc1) End With With Measure.Measurements.ToolsCommands.PitchWithLine(MeasureSegments) .Tool = eMMTool.PitchWithLine .Interactive = True .Run(doc1) End With With Measure.Measurements.ToolsCommands.Select(MeasureSegments) .Tool = eMMTool.SelectionTool .Run(doc1) End With With Measure.MeasurementsCommands.GetData(MeasureSegments) .Run(doc1, data) End With With Automate.ScriptingCommands.CodeCommand(MeasureSegments) If .Run() Then ' User Code Here Dim mData As MediaCy.Addins.Measurements.McMMData = data Dim mFeature As MediaCy.Addins.Measurements.McMMFeature Dim mList As MediaCy.Addins.Measurements.McMMData.CollectionSf Dim l1() As Double = Nothing, l2() As Double = Nothing, s1 As Double, s2 As Double, s As String If mData IsNot Nothing AndAlso mData.Count > 0 Then mFeature = mData.Item(0) If mFeature IsNot Nothing Then mList = mFeature.MainSubFeatures If mList IsNot Nothing Then For Each sf As MediaCy.Addins.Measurements.McMMSubFeature In mList If sf.FeatureType = McMMSubFeature.mcmmsfTypes.mcmmsfLine Then If l1 Is Nothing Then l1 = New Double(){sf.Value(eMeasures.LnStartX), sf.Value(eMeasures.LnStartY), sf.Value(eMeasures.LnEndX), sf.Value(eMeasures.LnEndY)} ElseIf l2 Is Nothing Then l2 = New Double(){sf.Value(eMeasures.LnStartX), sf.Value(eMeasures.LnStartY), sf.Value(eMeasures.LnEndX), sf.Value(eMeasures.LnEndY)} End If End If Next If (l1 IsNot Nothing) And (l2 IsNot Nothing) Then s1 = System.Math.Sqrt((l1(0) - l2(2))^2 + (l1(1) - l2(3))^2) s2 = System.Math.Sqrt((l1(2) - l2(2))^2 + (l1(3) - l2(3))^2) s = "Segment 1 = " & s1 & vbNewLine & "Segment 2 = " & s2 Debug.Print(s) MsgBox(s) End If End If End If End If End If End With End Function End Module