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Convert unsigned 24-bit RGB BMP to 16 gray

(Originally posted by jswang on 7/31/2006)

Convert unsigned pseudo 24-bit RGB image file to 16-bit grayscale file.

Our original data is 16-bit grayscale data acquired using Labview. As the Labview can not handle 16-bit grayscale image, the data was saved as unsigned 24-bit colour BMP image. In the saved BMP image format, it used the blue channel to store the lower 8-bit and green channel to store the higher 8-bit, i.e., the 16-bit data D is expressed as D = B + (2^8)*G, where B is 8-bit blue channel value and G is 8-bit green channel value. (The red channel was not used here and was 0 for all pixels).

For such pseudo 24-bit RGB image, is there a simple way that I can convert it to a 16-bit grayscale image in the ImagePro?



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    edited June 2013

    (Originally posted by KevinR on 7/31/2006)

    That's an interesting way to get the data. I would have tried floating point TIFF, if Labview supports it, but if it works, it works. This does lead to some interesting issues in generating multiple outputs from a single command, though.

    Extract the desired color channels, convert them to 16-bit, scale the green and add the blue.

    The following code does this. Note that both the blue and green channels should be converted to the same type, 16-bit, before combining them in order to _not_ autoscale the data.

    ' Convert a mixed channel image into a 16-bit output
    Sub Color_extract()
    	Dim chanGreen As Integer, chanBlue As Integer, blue16 As Integer
    	Dim source As Integer, out As Integer
    	' Identify the source document
    	ret = IpDocGet(GETACTDOC, 0, source)
    	' Extract green/blue color channels.
    	' Blue will be the last image created, green will be the
    	' image before that numerically. 
    	ret = IpCmChannelExtract(CM_RGB, CM_RGB, 14)
    	ret = IpDocGet(GETACTDOC, 0, chanBlue)
    	chanGreen = chanBlue - 1
    	' Convert the green channel to a 16 bit image, scale it
    	ret = IpAppSelectDoc(chanGreen)
    	out = IpWsConvertImage(IMC_GRAY16, CONV_DIRECT , 0, 0, 0, 0)
    	ret = IpOpNumberArithmetics(256.0, OPA_MULT, 0)
    	' Convert the blue channel to a 16 bit image
    	ret = IpAppSelectDoc(chanBlue)
    	blue16 = IpWsConvertImage(IMC_GRAY16, CONV_DIRECT , 0, 0, 0, 0)
    	' Add the blue
    	ret = IpAppSelectDoc(out)
    	ret = IpOpImageArithmetics(blue16, 0.0, OPA_ADD, 0)
    	' Clean up scratch images
    	ret = IpAppSelectDoc(chanGreen)
    	ret = IpDocClose()
    	ret = IpAppSelectDoc(chanBlue)
    	ret = IpDocClose()
    	ret = IpAppSelectDoc(blue16)
    	ret = IpDocClose()
    End Sub

    Note that this simple bit of code doesn't do any error checking - I would suggest checking the image class with IpDocGet(GETDOCINFO...) before attempting the conversion.

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